[Important] Wordpress Optimization Guide

Hey all,
Wordpress is the one of most popular CMS used by All the Web Developers for wasy Customization but it does have some Resource Eating issue's due to some of the files,So kindly follow the below steps to avoid any CPU Overloading on the server and Improve your Site Performance

1. Add Cloudflare Bascially adding an Cloudflare for all the sites are very useful to protect from attacks and unwanted traffic.You can Enable/Activate cloudflare from cPanel > Cloudlinux Plugin (Kindly Enable Full DNS Setup Mode by Changing your Nameservers given by cloudflare)
2. Add Robots.txt file and allow Google bots to crawl your site.
3. Protect your wp-login.php file from bruteforce attacks by adding Brute Force plugins Or Recommended way to Password protect the wp-login.php file which is more Secure 
4. Install HeartBeat Plugin and Configure it as Following

Once the Plugin has been installed Goto WP Admin Dashboard > Settings > Heartbeat Control Settings > Enable the check box "Front End" "Dashboard" and Disable the HEARTBEAT For the both See Screenshot : http://prntscr.com/okqd2t 

5. Disable Wp cron by adding the following line in your wp-config.php file

Go to the bottom of the database settings in wp-config.php typically around line 37. Add the code:

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', 'true');

6. Use Any cache Plugins for better performance
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